We have all experienced fear in our lives in some way, shape, or form. It’s never a good feeling. During these times, it’s important to have a reminder that fear does not have to overtake us. The bibles tells us in 2 Timothy 1:7 that God did not give us the spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control. We can’t always control our thoughts, but we do have the choice whether we will follow our every thought or let the strong gift of faith in what God has for us see us through. Let these t-shirts and hoodies be a reminder not just to you but to all that you may encounter that Faith is bigger and stronger than Fear. Fear is a hindrance. Faith can and will get you through.
Faith Over Fear by Taylor Threads Co
Return Policy
"Make A Statement Without Saying A Word"
Return Policy:
Refunds are available only within 72 hours after receipt of non-custom items (minus shipping or drop off upcharge) if dissatisfied with purchase. However, please allow MMB LLC to meet your needs by re-creating your product if possible. If re-creating your product is not an option, refund minus shipping or drop off charge will be made after items are received back to MMB in new/unworn condition. Shipping back to MMB is at cost to the buyer
Sizing info
Unisex sizes unless otherwise stated.